Litteræ Slovenicæ on Videos

22. 7. 2020

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Litteræ Slovenicæ Now Also on Videos


You are welcome to tune in and watch in our new promotional video, what the translators and proofreaders say about their book production and their inside of the translated title. We hope you will enjoy the ride.


“Blackberry Heaven” (Nataša Kramberger)

“Blackberry Heaven” (Nataša Kramberger), Gelb brennt der Forsythienstrauch (Veronika Dintinjana), “A Chronicle of Forgetting” (Sebastijan Pregelj) and “Diese Nacht kommen Käfer aus der Erde gekrochen” (Jana Putrle Srdić)




The new titles were published with the financial support of 
Creative Europe Programme of the European Union and JAK 
(Slovenian Book Agency), the English translation "Blackberry Heaven" 
also of National Endowment for the Arts.