Nataša Konc Lorenzutti
Coffee by the Fragarant Jasmine
Kristina Helena Reardon

Kristina Helena Reardon
The central subject of Coffee by the Fragment Jasmine is the complex psychological relationship between Jasmina and her husband. Primož is addicted to gambling and severely in debt, and Jasmina is addicted to him. Regardless of all the pain he causes her and their children, she remains by his side, believing that he will eventually change. Will Jasmina finally be able to escape Primož’s influence and live her life to the fullest? A masterfully written story that portrays all the complexity of this difficult theme in rich and poetic language.
Original title: Kava pri dišečem jasminu
Edited by: Kristina Sluga
Afterword: Tina Vrščaj
Afterward translation: Lukas Debeljak
ISBN: 9789616995993
Pages: 256
Price: 18,00