Uroš Zupan (photo: Tihomir Pinter)
Uroš Zupan, a poet and essayist, was born in 1963 in Trbovlje and graduated in comparative literature from the University of Ljubljana. A winner of numerous prizes including: Best first Collection Prize, the Prešeren Foundation Prize, the Jenko Prize, The Župančič Prize, Herman Lenz Preis (Langenburg, Germany 1999), Premio della VI Edizione del Festival Internazionale di Poesia (Genova, 2000), Wyslawa Szymborska Prize (Krakow, 2016), etc. He has published eleven collections of Poetry and eight books of essays.
His poetry titles include Sutre (Sutras, 1991), Reka (River, 1993), Odpiranje delte (Opening of Delta, 1995), Nasledstvo (Succession, 1998), Drevo in vrabec (A Tree and a Sparrow, 1999), Nafta (Oil, 2002), Lokomotive (Locomotives, 2004) and Jesensko listje (Autumn Leaves, 2006), Copati za hojo po Kitajski (Slippers for Walking in China, 2008), Oblika raja (Shape of Paradise, 2011), Počasna plovba (Slow Sailing, 2014) and Avtomobilski bluz (Automobile blues, 2016). His books of essays are: Svetloba znotraj pomaranče (Light inside an Orange, 1996), Pesem ostaja ista (The Song Remains the Same, 2000), Pešec (Walker, 2003), Čitanka Panini (Textbook Panini, 2007), Rilke proti Novim fosilom (Rilke Versus Novi Fosili, 2009), Opičje žleze, telefoni in nesmrtnost (Monkey glands, telephones and immortality, 2013), Visoko poletje na provincialnih bazenih (High summer in the provincial swimming pools, 2012), and Sto romanov in nekaj komadov (One hundred novels and a few pieces, 2014).
He has translated a number of poets, including Yehuda Amichai, John Ashbery and Billy Collins. His own work has appeared in numerous languages, books and journals. He lives with his family in Ljubljana and is a free-lance writer.