Marjan Tomsic (photo: Tihomir Pinter)
Marjan Tomsic (b. 1939 in Rače by Maribor) is one of the key names in contemporary Slovenian fiction and one of the most creative Slovenian writers of the last third of the 20th century – a fact that, especially on account of his extensive dream chronicle published in the Romanesque trilogy Uroki polne lune (Spells of the full moon), holds true also for the first decade of the new millennium. His prose is varied and diverse in terms of both theme and genre (he writes everything from novels, short stories, vignettes, sketches, humoresques, to works for youth, while also writing for the theatre and penning radio plays). At first, he was greatly attracted to science fiction, and even more to dream fiction. He wove elements of these already into his story “Krog v krogu” (A circle in a circle), a satiric text from 1968, and they especially flourished in Onstran (The beyond), his 1980 collection of fantastic tales.
As Author