The bilingual German-French publication of Fragmente der Wirklichkeit / Fragments de la réalité (Fragments of Reality) by Lojze Kovačič, a Slovene storytelling great who made his name in the international context with his autobiographical trilogy Prišleki (The Newcomers, 1981), features a cross-section of the author’s central opus of prose. His narrative is carried by autobiography, true to the author’s belief that “quite often, life expresses more friction than fiction”. Consistent in his first-person approach, he addresses man’s deepest dilemmas and chasms stemming from a given historical moment or momentous personal decision.
“Through the portrayal of his own life’s manifold layers, Kovačič speaks of humanity at large, taking the right to ‘deal with not only his own reality but also that of another’; from insightful self-criticism aiming critique at the general man. It is no wonder, then, that he staunchly resists dogmatic perceptions and any means of repression, acting out against prescribed truths, rules and phrases of all manners and sorts. Throughout his work, the stream of memory is his fundamental process of putting the past into words,” writes Josip Osti in his afterword to the edition.
Edited by: Aleš Berger
Afterword: Josip Osti
ISBN: 961-90506-7-3
Pages: 161