Photo © Matej Družnik
Jurij Hudolin was born in 1973 in Ljubljana where he lives as a freelance writer, poet, screenwriter, columnist and translator. He published a number of poetry collections: Če je laž kralj (If Lies are King, 1991), Ajdbog in ptičvolkkača (Heathengod and Birdwolfsnake 1992), Bestije (Beasts, 1993), Divjanje (Ravaging, 1994), Prividi nemirnega čudaka (Hallucinations of a Restless Freak 1994), Govori ženska (Woman Speaks, 2001), Ljubezni (Loves, 2009), Žival in lakaj najdeta ljubezen (The Animal and the Lackey find Romance, 2009), Čakanje revolucije in modrosti (Waiting on Sense and Revolution, 2013), Prištinski dnevnik (The Priština Diary, 2015); and novels: Objestnost (Arrogance, 2005), Pastorek (Stepchild, 2008), Vrvohodec (Ropewalker, 2011), Ingrid Rosenfeld (2013), Osnove ljubezni in zla (The Fundaments of Love and Evil, 2016), Trst via Ljubljana (2017), the short story collection Na kolodvorski ulici nič novega (No News from Kolodvorska Street, 2012) and the selection of columns Pusti ti to (You Leave that Alone, 2005). Jurij translated over thirty titles of prose, poetry and drama from Croatian, Serbian and Bosnian to Slovene, as well as having edited several international anthologies and journals. He contributed columns to all the major Slovene newspapers and magazines, and wrote scripts for fourteen feature and documentary films. His books were translated into English, Czech, Hungarian, Croatian, Albanian, Serbian, Bosnian, and Macedonian, with stories appearing in magazines in over thirty languages. Jurij is the recipient of several domestic and international grants, awards and prizes.
As Author