Foto © ZK
Jana Putrle Srdić (1975), poetess and intermedia art producer, author of art film reviews and translator of poetry, lives and works in Ljubljana. She cooperates in a range of artistic projects combining poetry with new media, having also published three poetry books of her own: Kutine (Quinces, 2003); Lahko se zgodi karkoli (Anything Could Happen, 2007) and To noč bodo hrošči prilezli iz zemlje (The Night the Beetles Come Out of the Ground, 2014). Her poems were translated into a number of languages and included in sixteen Slovene and world anthologies. Her translated poetry works appear, among other, as: Puede pasar cualquier cosa (Buenos Aires, 2011), Este poema lo paga el pez (Madrid, 2015), În noaptea asta gândacii vor ieşi din pământ (Bucharest, 2015), Anything Could Happen (A Midsummer Night’s Press, 2014), and an upcoming collection in German to be published in 2018. Jana Putrle Srdić has read her poetry in South America, Cuba, Canada, USA, Great Britain, Egypt, Russia and all across Europe. Besides translating poetry from English, Russian and Serbian (Robert Hass, Sapphire, Ana Ristović, contemporary Russian poetry), she works as a producer for various organizations: Centre for Slovenian Literature, Kapelica Gallery and Gulag Institute, where she is also the artistic director. For three years, she was a moderator of literary talks held in Ljubljana’s vibrant nightspot Daktari.