Photo © Dragan Arrigler
Poet, playwright, director and actor Andrej Rozman Roza was born in 1955 in Ljubljana. He dropped out of Slovenian Studies in 1978 to found the “Pocestno gledališče Predrazpadom” theatre with friends, organizing a series of visits to Ljubljana by foreign street theatres over the next few years. In 1981 he founded the Ana Monro Theatre, running it until 1995. He was the initiator of the improvisational theatre movement in Slovenia. He writes parodic and comic songs, modern fairy tales and comedies for young and old, and he also reworks classic texts for other media, translating and modernizing them. In 2003 he founded the “Rozinteater” theatre. He has received a number of awards for his work, among them the Golden Bird Award (1984), the Levstik Award of the Mladinska knjiga publishing house (1999), Radio Slovenia’s Ježek Award (2005), the Desetnica award of the Slovene Writers’ Association (2008), the Župančič Award (2009), and the Prešeren Fund Award for Literature (2010), which is the highest national award. Webpage:
As Author