Litteræ Slovenicæ is the international home to 161 authors, 166 translators and 85 books from Slovenia in 10 languages.

A worldwide presentation of Slovene literature, Slovene literary life and Slovene culture in general to readers abroad.

Perfect for book fairs, festivals, critics, publishers, agents, translators, foreign language programs, universities, libraries, cultural centers, embassies etc.

Available in print or electronic versions.


International Edition of Slovene Literature

In May of 1963, Slovene Writers’ Association published the first issue of Le Livre Slovène. The publication was a response to the need of the Slovene Writers’ Association, Slovene PEN Centre and the Slovenian Association of Literary Translators to independently present Slovene literature, Slovene literary life and Slovene culture in general to readers abroad.

In the course of 50 years, around 100 volumes and 130 issues have been published. At first, the publication mostly published texts in French, German and occasionally in English. In the 1970s, the first texts in Italian and Russian were published, followed by those in Spanish in the 1980s. In 1991, the publication was renamed Litteræ Slovenicæ. Since then, the predominant language of publication has been English and German, accompanied by the previously mentioned languages and Portuguese. The series has traditionally given preference to publication of original literature of Slovene authors in translation, in particular of prose, poetry and essays.

50 Years, 130 Issues

An Integral part of Internationalization

In 2012 the publication was awarded with the »Lavrinova diploma« prize for the best international project for promotion of Slovene literature in foreign countries.

Editorial Concept

Emminent Slovenian authors

The editorial concept of Litteræ Slovenicæ series is to publish representative works by eminent Slovenian authors in both foreign and bi- or multilingual editions. The editorial board strives to publish all literary genres in equal proportion (poetry, prose fiction, plays and essays) as well as to represent a range of male and female authors from different generations.

Because Litteræ Slovenicæ aims, on the one hand, to fill the gaps in the translation of classic Slovenian literature from our recent and more distant literary history, it partly focuses on the translation of previously untranslated standard works by Slovenian authors of the past (Marjan Rožanc, Josip Murn, Rudi Šeligo etc.). On the other hand, it aims to translate and promote contemporary literature by valued living Slovenian authors.

Classic & contemporary

Editorial selection

The editors, through their selection of works and aided by a team of co-workers (mainly translators), are responsible for capably presenting Slovenian authors in selected foreign languages. The books are primarily translated into larger languages in which Slovenian literature (at least when it comes to certain leading authors who are under-promoted abroad) is very often underrepresented and finds too little resonance.

Since 2010 Litteræ Slovenicæ has been successfully cooperating with the prominent American publishing house Dalkey Archive Press, which participates annually as a co-publisher of one of the books by the Slovenian “author in focus” at the Vilenica International Literary Festival.

International cooperation