Žana Perkovska
Born in 1961 in Novosibirsk, USSR, Zhanna Perkovskaya graduated from the Lomonosov Moscow State University (Linguistics, Slavic and Slovenian Language). Since 1985 she has been working as a guide, and later also as a teacher of Russian language and literature. She had been employed at the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Moscow, where from 1996 till 2015 she was in charge of official correspondence, translating and interpreting. She now focuses on the translation of Slovenian literature and participates in readings and presentations of Slovenian creativity in Russia, such as the Slavic poetry festival in Tver, which is supported by the Ministry of Culture of Russia and the government of the Tver region. Her translations are mainly published in the Russian magazine Inostrannaya Literatura (Foreign Literature). In 2015 she was awarded the Inolittle literary prize for her translation of Brane Mozetič’s poetry.