Tadeja Lackner-Naberžnik
Tadeja Lackner-Naberžnik was born in 1964 in Slovenj Gradec (Slovenia), and she graduated from the Slovenian high school in Klagenfurt (Austria); she has been living in Austria since 1983. She finished Translation Studies at the Karl-Franzens-University in Graz and Psychotherapy Studies at the University Donau-Uni-Krems. Currently she is studying Slovenian Language and Literature at the University of Vienna. In her research she focuses on children’s literature and is working on an MA thesis on the phylogeny of Little Red Riding Hood in connection to Svetlana Makarovič’s work Rdeče jabolko (The red apple). In addition to being employed in the field of psychotherapy, she works as a translator, interpreter and proofreader for Slovenian and German. She has translated into German works by Slovenian authors such as Maja Novak, Svetlana Makarovič, Sebastijan Pregelj and Danica Križanič Müller.