Kristina Helena Reardon earned her Ph.D. in comparative literary and cultural studies from the University of Connecticut in 2019 and her M.F.A. in creative writing from the University of New Hampshire in 2010. She is the translator of Nataša Kramberger’s 2007 novel in stories Nebesa v robidah (Blackberry Heaven; Litterae Slovenicae, 2020), which won the European Union Prize for Literature in 2010. Lili Potpara’s “The Surprise” was published in her translation first in World Literature Today and then reprinted as “Amerika Street” in Flash Fiction International: Very Short Stories from Around the World (Norton, 2015). She has translated a number of Slovenian authors, including Miha Mazzini, Nina Kokelj, Polona Glavan, and Leonora Flis. Her own fiction has been published in literary magazines.