Sample translations by Litteræ Slovenicæ

28. 4. 2020

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An international book series Litteræ Slovenicæ has prepared additional sample translations for promotional purposes. They are published on the web pages of the books and you can find them also here.


Jana Putrle Srdić:

Sélection des poèmes

Traduit du slovene par Florence Gacoin-Marks




Ivan Cankar:

Images oniriques

Traduit du slovene par Florence Gacoin-Marks




Sebastijan Pregelj:

Dear Elvis, Dear Ali

Translated from the Slovene by Rawley Grau




Jure Jakob:

Poetry selection

Translated from the Slovene by Erica Debeljak




Veronika Dintinjana:

Poetry selection

Translated from the Slovene by Mia Dintinjana




Nataša Kramberger:


Aus dem Slowenischen von Barbara K. Anderlič


We hope you will enjoy the ride in the Slovene modern literature.


The new titles were published with the financial support of 
Creative Europe Programme of the European Union and 
JAK (Slovenian Book Agency).